- Appliance Brands (241)
- Know what you're looking for? Get right to the manufacturer's web site.
- Appliance Care Tips (18)
- Keep your appliances running like they were brand new and looking great.
- Brand Histories (15)
- Curious about an appliance brand? Read about some of their company histories.
- FAQ (34)
- Frequently Asked Questions.
- Glossary (73)
- Common terms used in relation to major home appliances.
- Helpful Tips (64)
- Here are some tips to save you time and money when requiring home service and also to help you avoid needing service altogether.
- How it Works (25)
- Find out how your appliances are suppose to work so you can determine problems or avoid them.
- Installation and Replacement (17)
- Instruction about installing new appliances and/or replacing old ones.
- Just For Fun (10)
- Humorous and light-hearted major appliance related links.
- Manufacturer Contact Information (7)
- Lists of addresses and phone numbers of some of the leading appliance manufacturers.
- Myths About Appliances (20)
- Common myths and misconceptions about appliances are dispelled here.
- On-line Parts Catalogs (12)
- Here are some on-line appliance parts catalogs that you can browse through.
- Problem Diagnostics (24)
- These pages will help you to determine what is causing the problem with your appliance.
- Purchasing Guides (16)
- Before you shop, find out what you should be looking for.
- Recalls (185)
 - Recalls and court settlements regarding major home appliances.
- Related Accessories (13)
- Original and innovative accessories for your major home appliances.
- Repair Manuals (4)
- Not sure how to repair an appliance? Get a repair manual and get the job done right.
- Restoration (25)
- Sites and companies dealing with revitalizing or preserving older appliances.
- Service Information (24)
- Web sites that have on-line appliance repair information.